


The Association is an Approved Club under UK firearms legislation, and operates in accordance with guidelines issued by the Home Office.

The application process normally requires that an applicant be proposed by a Full member of at least two years standing and be supported by an Association committee member. For applicants with no previous experience of or contact with the Association, a suitable time and place may be arranged through Contacts. A visit to a range is recommended where possible. The Association operates from a number of ranges around the East and South-East, and there is usually a meeting taking place most weekends. Details of the current schedule may be found under ‘shooting dates‘. 

Applicants are normally required to serve a probationary period, during which time they will be expected to attend meetings and to demonstrate good practice and safety on the range. Membership of the Association may be offered on satisfactory completion of the probationary term. Probation may be waived at the discretion of the committee for suitably qualified applicants.

Membership Types

  • Full membership permits attendance and shooting at all Association venues (subject to local restrictions) for the remainder of the membership year, April 1st to March 31st.  Full members have voting rights in the Association and receive the Association newsletter, The Primer. Those of UK pensionable age (65) are offered full membership at a reduced (Senior) rate. Applicants may elect to take Life membership for a single payment of ten times the full annual fee.
  • The Association offers Family membership to the spouse or partner, and to children under twenty-one, of a Full member. Family members may attend and shoot on Association ranges only while under the supervision of their respective Full member.
  • Young persons under the age of twenty-one, not directly qualifying as family members, may be proposed for Junior membership by a Full VAA member. This will allow them to attend and to shoot at Association venues while under the supervision of their proposing member.  The Association has a long-standing policy of encouraging young persons to engage in the shooting sports, and the fees for both Family and Junior memberships are heavily discounted.
  • Corresponding (Non-Shooting) membership is open to anyone who wishes to support and take an interest in the Association but not attend Association ranges.  Corresponding Members have voting rights in the Association, and receive The Primer.

     Apply here