
VAA Patch3

Vintage Arms Association

Rifle and Pistol Shooting

The Vintage  Arms Association was established on the 2nd of January, 1973, by a small group of enthusiasts interested in collecting and shooting early breech loading firearms.  Over the years that small group has gradually evolved into a large and inclusive association, with the aim of encouraging the collection, study and use of all vintage firearms, including muzzle and breech loaders, rifles, pistols, shotguns and airguns.

Vintage is defined by the Association as being any small arm that was in production (or a design ready for production) before 1945, including later variations that did not materially affect the accuracy of the arm, and including reproductions ‘in the spirit of’ the original.

The Association today continues to actively promote shooting sports by means of a comprehensive events calendar for both vintage and modern firearms held throughout the year, utilising ranges at Barton Road, Bisley, Horsford, Jersey, and Shrublands.  It encourages the attainment of skill in the use of such firearms by providing excellent facilities for range practice and for competition. The Association also encourages the preservation and collecting of firearms by members, and the exchange of information on the construction, history and use of various firearms through its newsletter, The Primer.

Visitors are invited to explore this site, and to see what the Association has to offer. If you do not find the answers you need please visit the Contacts page. This will put you in touch with a member of the committee who will be able to answer your queries and provide any further information. Current Association members are recommended to have a look at Shooting Dates for the latest shooting dates across the country.

A copy of our Constitution may be viewed here: VAA Constitution  – you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, or similar to view this file.

Thank you for your interest and, if you are considering applying for membership, then I very much hope to hear from you soon.

Chairman, Vintage Arms Association